Helping other people fix stuff at the Repair Café or Fixit Clinic
This repair was not completed at a Repair Café or Fixit Clinic, but it was kind of interesting so I’m writing a post about it. Machining often involves arithmetic on very precise numbers. This is very tedious, so having a small calculator is very helpful. Being of a helpful nature, my school’s machine-shop has a…
This event took place at the San Mateo Library. I mainly spent the 3 hours working on a broken IBM Selectric typewriter; I’ve had some experience restoring manual typewriters. The owner had taken it to a repair shop because the keys were a bit sticky, and it had come back broken. It appears the repairman…
This Fixit Clinic occurred at the Maker Nexus in Sunnyvale. The first item was a Saeco Vienna Plus espresso machine. It automated the entire brewing process, including grinding and measuring the coffee, dispensing it into the “brew group” (the removable assembly where the actual brewing takes place), tamping it down, forcing water through the grounds,…
This Repair Café took place at the Mountain View Senior Center from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. First, I worked on an Instant Pot® Vortex® Plus 10 Quart air fryer that wouldn’t power on; the owner said it had just stopped working one day with no major incident preceding it. After some light disassembly (prying…
This Fixit Clinic was held at the Hayward Library. There weren’t very many people. I worked with another fixer on a Japanese foot-warming table that wouldn’t temperature regulate and stayed on constantly. It was constructed with two quartz heating elements controlled by a bimetallic thermostat mounted on its underside, with reflectors to direct all the…
This Repair Café was held at the Museum of American Heritage. First, there was a DeLonghi EC702 espresso machine that wasn’t providing sufficient pressure to push the water through the coffee grounds. Unfortunately, the owner forgotten to bring the portafilter (filter basket), so we couldn’t confirm this; running the machine without the filter in place…
This Fixit Clinic was held in the Hayward Library. It was a slow day, possibly because of the July 4th weekend travel rush. First, I watched other people fix a 50-year-old blender running loudly and slowly, even at the highest setting. It was a joy to take apart: a few hex-head self-tapping screws held the…
I attended this event after taking a bit of a break from Repair Café/Fixit Clinic, which I enjoy and benefit from, in order to self-study two AP courses, which I dislike and… maybe benefit from. Anyhow, this event was at the Saratoga Library and there were a few high schoolers attending! First up was an…
This one was held in San Mateo Public Library. First, I worked on a rice cooker whose non-rechargeable lithium battery had run out. From my understanding, the battery was used to avoid the need for an AC power supply, needed not only to keep the clock running when the appliance was unplugged, but also to…
This event occurred at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, a collaborative hackerspace for software projects. I first worked on a portable electric radiator with a detached cord winder (the plastic thing you wind the cord around for storage), a loose caster, and a plug with burn marks. The cord winder had a cantilever snap-fit…